The business listing is a Google My Business listing, which means it is shown in the Google Business Directory within the maps section. Depending on your package, your listing will be in the first 3 or the first 10 of the local search for your keywords.
We want to get your business listing ranking as quick as possible, however we do need to make sure we are abiding by Google’s guidelines and creating you a natural and quality online presence. While you can see results as soon as 4 weeks from verification, we aim for top 10 results within 60 days and top 3 results for at least one keyword in your local area from verification. Creating long lasting and strong business listings is our main concern. You will also be able to track the movements and progress of your listing from your monthly report.
Google Business allows you to create and verify your local business on Google, so that your business information can be shown in Google Maps. With Google My Business, you can also add business information that can appear on, Google Maps and Google Earth when someone searches for your business name or category. There are no charges for clicks with this Google service, and results are more locally based.
AdWords (Google AdWords) is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network.
We offer a money back guarantee on our Local Search packages. If you have purchased a Top 10 Local Search package and are not in the first 10 within 60 days from your verification for at least one of your keywords or associated keywords in your local area, you are entitled to a full refund. If you have purchased a Top 3 Local Search package and are not in the first 3 within 90 days from your verification, for at least one of your keywords or associated keywords in your local area, you are entitled to a full refund of the Top 3 package.